时间:2018-09-12 10:57:00
谭鸿斌 别署养愚斋主,望落花楼主人。国画专业教师。新华社书画院山东分院副秘书长,瀛社社员,福山书画院副院长。九八年毕业于山东工艺美术学院美术系,长期致力于美术书法教学及古典绘画、画论、书论的研究工作。善山水、花鸟、书法、尤以传统见长。在山东、广东等地多次举办个人画展。2008年合作创办“华夏书画”专业书画论坛网站。

Tan Hongbin
Tan Hongbin with alias of “Master of Yangyu Study”, owner of “Fallen Flower Pavilion”, He is the Traditional Chinese Painting Lecturer, Deputy Secretary General of Xinhua News Agency Painting and Calligraphy Academy Shandong Branch, Member of the Ying Club, Deputy Director of Fushan Painting and Calligraphy Academy. In 1998, he graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Shandong Institute of Arts and Crafts. He has long devoted himself to the study of art and calligraphy teaching as well as research on classical painting, painting theories and calligraphy theories. He is skilled at landscape painting, bird-and-flower painting and calligraphy, especially traditional painting. He co-founded the professional calligraphy and painting forum and website — Huaxia Calligraphy & Painting in 2008.

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