时间:2017-09-14 10:07:43
字道平,号路远,室名集贤斋。书法专业教师 。中国书法家协会会员,中国书法研究院艺术委员会委员,山东省书法家协会会员,栖霞市长春湖书画院院长。作品多次参加全国及海外正规大展并获奖,作品先后在《中国书画报》《书法报》《书法教育报》等专业报刊发表,泐石题刻甚多。作品汇辑刊行《路新东书法作品集》4册。

Lu Xindong
Lu Xindong with courtesy name of “Daoping”, alias of “Luyuan” and studio Name of “Jixian Study”. He is the Professional Calligraphy Lecturer, Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of Arts Commission of Chinese Calligraphy Research Institute, Member of Shandong Calligraphers Association, Director of Qixia Changchun Lake Painting and Calligraphy Gallery. His works have been displayed and awarded prizes in multiple national and overseas formal exhibitions and also been published on professional newspapers such as Chinese Painting and Calligraphy News, Calligraphy Newspaper and Calligraphy Education Newspaper, and have been collected and compiled into Lu Xindong’s Calligraphic Work Collection (4 volumes in total) as well.

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