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Introduction of Nigerria’s culture

The culture of Nigeria is shaped by her multiple ethnic groups; endowed with a lot of cultural heritages sourced from its multicultural communities.
Efforts at preserving these heritages are obstructed with many challenges particularly human activities such as trafficking and exportation of Nigerian arts. Thefts and looting of museums, vandalism, Christianity, civilization, commerce and others (Blessing Nonye Onyima).
Nigeria is distinguished in Sub-Sahara Africa because of her rich manifestations of vast cultural heritages of the past (Sowunmi, 2008). Most of the artifacts and collections from remarkable areas in Nigeria are displayed in museums and galleries around the world. This is because they were consciously preserved; though, these cultural heritages are threatened by many forces previously mentioned. Nigeria is striving hard in the development of her cultural and natural heritages.
As for U3A Nigeria, our Culture and Heritage Group strives by intergenerational programmes to inculcate in our youths the practice and benefit of cultural heritage of Nigeria and reaching out to the world for partnerships and exchanges.
Come and discover Nigeria – You will be glad you did.




About the author
Founder of the University of the Third Age – U3A Nigerian, a non conventional University and a Member of the governing Board (GB) of the Association of International Universities of the Third Age (AIUTA), President of Nigerian Association of Universities of the Third Age (NAUTA).
A public Analyst and Motivational Speaker. I am one of the Pioneers of Gerontological Education in Nigeria with our 25 years track record in the field. It is place on record that I have presented Papers on Life Long Learning and Social Gerontology in many Countries outside Nigeria, These include: The Gambia, Ghana, Brazil, France, Singapore, Spain, Slovakia, the United Kingdom (UK) etc.
I am striving now to promote Life Long Learning (Education) in Nigeria and bridging the gap between the youths and the Senior Citizens for productive engagement and curbing elder abuse in the two segment of life. I am the ORIGINATOR of Fellowship of Award in the history of U3A’s and will appreciate the emulation of this practice among U3A’s globally (other Countries taking up the bold step). Hence, Dr. Charles Afolabi, JP,F.U.T.A., DBA, MBA, Dip.Ed, FFCS, MIHE.
At U3A Nigeria recently concluded National Conference, Prof. Francois Vellas President  AIUTA, Prof. Sidi Camara, President U3A Senegal and other Academics, Celebrities, Royal Highnesses (Monarchs) and Senior Citizens from Nigeria. I am happy to promote Senior Tourism in Nigeria and U3A’s word to the world.
尼日利亚老年大学(非传统意义上的大学)的创始人,国际老年大学协会(AIUTA)的理事成员,尼日利亚老年大学协会(NAUTA)的会长,公共关系专家和励志演说家;有着25年老年教育经验的学科带头人。曾在尼日利亚以外的许多国家发表过关于终身学习和老年社会学的论文,这些国家有冈比亚、加纳、巴西、法国、新加坡、西班牙、斯洛伐克和英国等。查尔斯·阿佛拉比 (JP)博士正在努力致力于尼日利亚的终身教育,并缩短年轻人和老年人之间的差距,以便生活在这两个年龄组的人们能有效的沟通,制止虐待老人的现象。查尔斯·阿佛拉比 (JP)博士还是老年大学历史上奖学金的发起人,并对全球范围内大胆采取举措并效法的老年大学表示赞赏。
查尔斯·阿佛拉比 (JP)博士很高兴能向全世界推广尼日利亚的老年游学项目和老年大学的意义。
