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Some words about Romania and the Galati city

Romania has a unique culture due to its geographical location and distinct historical evolution. Sculptorul Constantin Brâncuşi, inventatorul Henri Conda, gimnasta Nadia Comăneci, the painted monasteries in northern Modovia or the Danube Delta are just a few of the brands with which Romania is legitimate today in the world. The richness of tourism resources places Romania among destinations that could meet many requirements. Situated in the city of Galati, a harbor on the Danube River, "Dunarea de Jos" University is the largest higher education institution in south-eastern Romania, whose traditions are related to shipbuilding, siderurgy and fishing. Within this, it was opened the first Romanian University of Third Age, created in 2016.

罗马尼亚因其地理位置与独特的历史演变而具有独特的文化底蕴。雕刻家康斯坦丁•布朗库西、发明家亨利•康达、体操运动员纳迪亚•科马内奇以及摩尔多瓦北部或多瑙河三角洲的彩绘修道院只是当今罗马尼亚在世界上继承的几个标志。坐落于加拉茨市的Richne 是多瑙河上的一个港口,该地“多瑙河下游”大学是罗马尼亚东南部最大的高等教育机构,其传统与造船、钢铁冶金以及捕鱼业有关。此外,它于2016年开设首家罗马尼亚老年大学。
