时间:2017-09-14 10:10:31
字禾,笔名行箴。国画专业教师。毕业于原中央工艺美术学院。2006年入北京画院石齐先生工作室,李可染先生之子李小可工作室读研。 现为中国美术家协会会员,北京画院石齐研究会专业画家,中国工艺美术家协会会员,中国国画家协会会员。其作品做多次入选美术家协会举办的书画展。作品《老子出关》获建国六十周年书画大赛一等奖;《春江水暖》《硕果》被日本秋田市收藏。作品·传略入编《中国艺坛名师诸贤精品大典》、《中国书画艺坛名家全集》等多部大型典籍。

Chu Mingren
Chu Mingren, with alias of “He” and pen name of “Xingzhen”. He is the Traditional Chinese Painting Lecturer. In 2006, he joined the Studio of Mr. Shi Qi of the Beijing Painting Academy. He was also admitted to Li Xiaoke’s Studio (Li Xiaoke, son of Mr. Li Keran), Member of Chinese Artists Association, Professional Painter of Shiqi Research Society of Beijing Painting Academy, Member of China Craft Artist Association, Member of China Traditional Chinese Painting Association. His painting works have been selected into painting and calligraphy exhibitions of Chinese Artists Association for several times. His work Lao Tzu Leaving the Pass was awarded First Prize in the Painting and Calligraphy Contest Celebrating the 60 Anniversary of the Founding of China. His works Warm River in Spring and Ripe Fruits were collected by Akita in Japan.His works and brief biography having been recorded by several large-scale books and records such as the Collection of Fine Arts of Renowned Artists in China, Full Collection of Renowned Painting and Calligraphy Artists in China and National Treasures: Grand Collection of Chinese Painters and Calligraphers

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