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30多年来,泰莱大学的酒店、食品和休闲管理学院(FHLM)一直是酒店与旅游教育培训领域的领导者。作为东南亚地区最大、最成熟的酒店和旅游管理学院之一,学院以不断培养高素质的、能在工作场所表现出色的毕业生而感到自豪。在2018年QS世界大学学科排名中,泰莱大学的酒店与休闲管理学科世界排名第21位。该学院的高品质体现在60多项奖项中,其中包括2015年亚太旅游协会(PATA)教育和培训大奖、2013-2015年度亚洲酒店业白金奖(HAPA)学术研究卓越奖、2008年亚太旅游协会(PATA)金奖(教育与培训)、2010-2012年度亚洲酒店业白金奖(HAPA)荣誉奖以及2012年品牌桂冠评选教育最佳品牌 - 酒店、旅游和烹饪艺术。泰莱大学的酒店、食品和休闲管理学院(FHLM)在马来西亚高等教育部的基础学科体系中被评为“第6级:杰出”。泰勒大学是全国第一所也是唯一一所获得第6级且评分最高的大学。

Faculty of Hospitality, Food and Leisure Management- Taylor’s University
For over 30 years, Taylor’s Faculty of Hospitality, Food & Leisure Management (FHLM) has been a leader in hospitality and tourism education and training. As one of the largest and most established hospitality and tourism management in Southeast Asia, the Faculty takes pride in consistently producing high calibre, industry-ready graduates who can deliver excellent performance in their workplace. In the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018, Taylor’s University was recognised as the number 21 university in the world for the Hospitality & Leisure Management subject. The quality of the Faculty is reflected in over 60 awards under its belt, including the 2015 PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association) Grand Award for Education and Training, Hospitality Asia Platinum Awards (HAPA) 2013-2015 for academic and research excellence, PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association) Gold Award 2008 (Education & Training); HAPA (Hospitality Asia Platinum Awards) Hospitality School of the Year 2007/08 and Honorary Award 2010-2012; as well as BrandLaureate 2012 Best Brand in Education - Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts. FHLM was also ranked 'Tier 6: Outstanding' in the Malaysian Higher Education Ministry's Discipline Based Discipline System (D-SETARA). Taylor's University is the first and the only university in the country to achieve the highest rating of tier 6.
