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Introduction of Jérica’s culture


Jérica is a small town in the south of the province of Castellón (Spain), 523 m. above sea level, and very easily accessible. It has a population of 1,660 inhabitants of usual residence, which triples during the summer or winter holidays. The Aula Sénior de Jérica is an institution created in 2017, with the purpose of promoting the continuous training among older people who live in a rural area and who, for not proximity to the big urban centers, have difficulties to access it in person, increase their socialization and favor their empowerment. It is inspired by the model of Universities of the Third Age, founded in Toulouse (France) by Professor Pierre Vellas in 1970.
Its activities consist of lectures on current topics and fortnightly periodicity imparted by university professors or personalities of recognized prestige; cultural tours; intergenerational projects and exchanges with other similar national and foreign institutions. During this academic year, an intergenerational project is being developed with the local educational centres (Colegio Rural Palancia-Mijares de Jérica and IES de Jérica-Viver) and international exchanges have also started, receiving a group of students from the U3A of Guangzhou (China).

Requirements for Spanish Senior Tourism

Ø  在旅游时保持活跃,能够缓解衰老,避免孤独感,不会在余生觉得索然无味。
Ø  在新地方会改变日常生活习惯;一种休闲方式;跨文化交流和社交互动。
Ø  在旅程中有着独特的生命体验。
Ø  在旅途中寻求放松和安宁。
Ø  更倾向于文化活动。
Ø  通常会选择提供美食和文化交流的活动。
Ø  选择带有沙滩酒店的游轮之旅。
Ø  喜欢旅游线路,住在温泉旅游地或游轮上,活动内容丰富,空闲时间少。
Ø  他更喜欢舒适的住宿环境、独特的度假体验、带有医疗保健中心的豪华处所。
Ø  个人享受要强于储蓄,尤为关注性价比。
Ø  热爱冒险,不介意在人生阅历上再增加一个城市的体验。
Ø  通常会因探亲访友或其他原因在西班牙有一两次旅行。
Ø  30%以上的老年游客每年出国游至少3次以上。
n  发现另一种文化(66%)
n  改变生活习惯(31%)
n  生命的精彩体验(3%)
Ø  对于老年人来说,最值得推荐的旅游目的地是那些可以花几天时间放松和游览日常生活中不常去的地方。
Ø  偏好是:都市、海滩和乡村,顺序如下:
Ø  本土地区:安达卢西亚、巴利阿里群岛和加那利群岛群岛、莱万特/加泰罗尼亚。
Ø  欧洲:最近的目的地是法国、葡萄牙、意大利和英国。
Ø  长途:美国、加勒比海地区、南非、巴西、阿根廷和泰国,开始对中国和日本等地感兴趣。
Ø  阳光沙滩
Ø  乡村和自然
Ø  城市和纪念碑
Ø  探亲访友
Ø  西班牙人在2017年的旅行中平均消费1,600欧元至2,200欧元。其中有16.5%平均消费高于4,200欧元。
Ø  54.5%的西班牙人打算每年旅行2至3次,只有25.5%的人希望每年旅行4至5次。
Ø  一般来说,在西班牙旅行非常低廉。交通便宜,因而不需要乘坐飞机在半岛内旅行。
Ø  西班牙人在国内旅行(无论是在半岛还是在内陆)的主要开支是美食,另一个是住宿和交通。
Ø  据估计,西班牙人出国旅游时每天花费115欧元。主要是路上的交通和食宿费用。
Ø  在旅行居住地附近设有初级保健医疗中心至关重要。
Ø  西班牙的老年游客在本国境内有健康保险,在任何社区都必须携带个人健康卡。
Ø  健康卡在欧洲通用。
Ø  在其他目的地,有必要购买大病医疗险和意外险。
Ø  通常旅行社会为游客提供这种保险。
Ø  酒精或含有某些物质(在西班牙合法)的药物在其他一些国家被视为毒品。如果买卖或者携带会受到惩罚。需要事先咨询家庭医生。
Ø  残疾人或行动不便人士在旅程中需要特别照顾,并且会有专供房间(浴室配有合适的厕所和淋浴盆)。在整个旅程中要格外照顾他们,检查交通工具、酒店,并为他们寻找合适的行动区域。
Ø  在酒店的特定服务中,要注意身体护理的需求:按摩、桑拿、健身房和水疗。
Ø  就热疗而言,所提供的产品必须根据老年人的生理和心理需要考虑使用。
Ø  在以健康、整形美容或者手术为主题的旅游情况下,术后恢复必须有特殊的规定,必须得到细致周到的照顾。
Ø  提供高质量的服务,从住宿到餐饮、活动安排、旅行指南和译员。
Ø  寻找一个安全,有医疗保健的高质量居住环境。
Ø  酒店安保设施周到,以避免盗窃。
Ø  明显的交通指示会让老人们有安全感。
Ø  正规的旅行社或组织推出的旅行项目会让老年人有信任感。
Ø  严格执行承诺的服务条款。
Ø  拥有健全的旅行保险。
Ø  交通工具必须适应游客的需要。
Ø  西班牙最常见的交通工具是:私家车、长途客车/火车或飞机。
Ø  老年人喜欢出门就能坐上车,以避免浪费时间。
Ø  任何类型的交通工具都要求舒适干净。

l  由于行动不便人士活动受限,因此需要单层列和单层巴士。
游轮 舒适的住宿环境;船上有医生;可以在几天内游览不同的地方;在旅行淡季出行。
飞机 最好是航班与住宿酒店相结合;
Ø  酒店拥有最方便快捷的外联方式。
Ø  酒店地点便利。
Ø  需要有一流的技术服务,并与旅游服务商(航空公司,酒店,旅行社)实时沟通。
Ø  特别关照独自旅行的游客。
Ø  由于西班牙的气候特点,老年游客们习惯穿着多层衣服,以适应白天多变的气温。
Ø  由于宗教原因或习俗,必须事先了解所访问国家的服装特点:头、肩膀和腿是否可以暴露。
Ø  在炎热的地区,穿着透气性好的轻便服装。
Ø  在寒冷地区,要穿着外套、保暖服、夹克和羊毛衫。
Ø  在炎热地区,服装面料要轻盈透气。
Ø  在寒冷地区,大衣、轻便派克服、保暖服、夹克或摇粒绒。
Ø  舒适的内衣。
Ø  参加晚宴或重要活动需要穿着稍正式的服装。
Ø  雨伞、雨衣和防风服。
Ø  舒适轻便的鞋子:靴子、拖鞋(冬季);运动鞋或散步凉鞋(夏季)。
Ø  帽子、遮阳镜和防晒霜。

Ø  He travels to stay active and be able to alleviate biological aging, avoid loneliness and possible lack of meaning in the last stage of his life.
Ø  He changes your routine and habits in daily life by moving to a different place than your residence; a form of leisure; the discovery and interaction with the environment; intercultural contact and social interaction.
Ø  He considers that you live a unique experience during the chosen trip.
Ø  He adopts a more passive posture in his travels, tending to seek more relax and tranquility.
Ø  He values ​​cultural activities to a greater extent.
Ø  He usually opts for those plans of easy accessibility, with a good gastronomic and cultural offer.
Ø  Lover of the Imserso model (*) on national circuits (beach + hotel on a full board basis).
Ø  Lover of tourist circuits, stays in spas and cruises, with a lot of content and little free time.
Ø  He shows a growing interest in long distance travel.
Ø  He prefers a comforting vacation experience, with exclusive accommodations, with apparent luxury and proximity to primary care medical centers, to enjoy comfort, and comfort taking into account their possible health problems.
Ø  He considers personal enjoyment more than saving, paying close attention to the quality / price ratio.
Ø  He takes advantage of his new adventure because he has traveled a lot throughout his life and wants to feel one more in the place visited.
(*) Imserso: Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales.  Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad.
Gobierno de España.
Ø  They do one or two trips a year and in Spain, for different reasons (visiting relatives or taking advantage of state offers from Imserso).
Ø  Even so, more than 30% of senior tourists make at least three or more trips a year, choosing then international destinations.
The leisure/vacation option is the majority option, accounting for 71% of trips made by seniors. The most important reasons are:
Ø  discover another culture (66%),
Ø  change their habits (31%) and
Ø  live exciting experiences (3%).
The most recommended tourist destinations for seniors are those where they can spend days relaxing and appreciating new things they lack in their daily lives.
The preferences are: cities or urban environments, beaches and rural corners, in this order:
Ø  In the national destinations they prefer: Andalusia, Islands (Balearic and Canary Islands), Levante/Catalonia, North and Interior.
Ø  In Europe, the nearest destinations: France, Portugal, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Ø  In the long distances, the United States, the Caribbean, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, and Thailand are beginning to take an interest in destinations such as China and Japan.
Thematic orientation
Ø  Sun and beach.
Ø  Countryside and nature.
Ø  Cities and monuments.
Ø  Visit friends or relatives.
Ø  Other orientations.
Budget and expenses
On average, the Spaniards invested between €1,600 and €2,200 in their trips throughout 2017. 16.5% invested a much higher figure, over €4,200.
54.5% of senior Spaniards intend to make between two and three trips per year and only 25.5% want to make between four and five.
In general, travel in Spain is cheaper. Transport is also much cheaper, as there is no need to take airplanes to travel within the peninsula.
The main expense of the Spaniards in their travels within the country (either in the peninsula or on the islands) is destined to the gastronomy. The other main budget item is for accommodation and transport.
For trips outside Spain, the most important expense is transport, since in most cases it is impossible to do without it.
It is estimated that Spaniards spend 115 €/day when travelling abroad. This figure complements transport plus accommodation and meals, which are usually always on the road.
Specific habits on time scheduled for visits, meals, organization of the day
The Spanish senior enjoys cultural programs combined with experiential experiences, such as the realization of gastronomic routes, craft activities and sessions in thermal centers.
He spends most of the day visiting his vacation spot. He prefers travel programs with a lot of content, morning and afternoon activities and little free time. He visits historical places and museums, participates in cultural activities or festivals and has a passion for shopping. Currently, he demands more activities developed with the local people of the destination, which allows them to know directly their way of life and their traditions.
Spaniards usually perform a wide variety of activities related to the gastronomic heritage of the places visited, from food in restaurants or typical gastrobars to taste traditional dishes, visit wineries or food industries or buy local products.
In the chosen tours, they demand activities that adapt in schedules and thematic to their tastes and that do not have all the elements closed (a lunch or dinner or half a day free), to be able to enjoy for themselves the places visited. They are willing to pay an extra price for this flexibility, because they consider that it gives them a great added value and makes them feel more protagonists.
They prefer to adapt to the local time, to carry out an activity or visit in the morning, to eat in a typical restaurant and to resume activities, immediately, until mid-afternoon.  Then they'd rather go back to the hotel and get ready for dinner. It should be remembered that Spanish has different meal times from the rest of Europe, which is why, at times, its ease of adaptation to a new timetable is a bit complex, although fast. 
The preferred seasons for the trips of the Spanish seniors are spring and autumn. In summer, usually, they stay in Spain, enjoying the beach or the mountain, in the house of relatives or second homes.
Specific requirements on food and brevage for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Ø  Visual satisfaction with the food supply.
Ø  Possibility of special meals: without salt, celiac, diabetics, etc.
Ø  Cleaning in restaurants.
Ø  Good customer service.
Breakfast :
Ø  In a large, luminous and diaphanous space.
Ø  Near windows.
Ø  Continental breakfast, with a variety of foods. Necessary sweet products. Free buffet.
Ø  Price not excessively high. Less than 10-12€.
Ø  Timetable: from 7:00 to 9:00 h, except for program needs.
Time: between 30 and 45 min.
Lunch :
Ø  Typical local food without exaggeration, in a restaurant, museum or characteristic local spot.
Ø  Tasting of traditional dishes and local wines.
Ø  Timetable: subject to the day's schedule.
Time: from 1:30 to 2:00 h. duration.
Dinner :
Ø  Aperitif before dinner.
Ø  Plenty of dinner. Buffet type, with background music, as a form of relaxation.
Later leisure and entertainment activities.
Specific requirements in terms of health care and disability
Ø  It is essential to travel with the security of having primary care medical centers near the places to visit.
Ø   Spanish senior tourists have health coverage in the national territory, and it is essential to carry the individual health card to be attended in any Autonomous Community.
Ø  In the European destinations, the European Health Card fulfills the same functions.
Ø   In the other destinations, it is necessary to hire a good medical insurance with broad coverage of illness and accident.
Ø  Many times, the Travel Agencies already offer this type of insurance to users.
Ø  Know that alcohol or medication with certain legal substances in Spain, are considered drugs in other countries and, therefore, you can punish the user or consumer for consumption, possession and trafficking. Prior consultation with the family doctor.
Ø  People with disabilities or reduced mobility will require special treatment during the trip and a very specific type of room in the accommodation (bathroom with adapted toilets and shower tray).
Ø  During the whole trip, special attention should be paid to them, checking the accessibility to the transports, hotels and scheduled places and trying to find suitable walking areas for them.
Ø   Among the services to be observed in the hotels, we must pay attention to the offer for body care: massages, saunas, gyms, spa.
Ø   In the case of thermal treatments, the product offered must consider the quality of the products used and the performance of treatments and services according to the physical and psychological needs of the seniors.
Ø  In the case of health tourism, aesthetic treatments or postoperative recovery must have special regulations and the care that seniors must undergo is still much stricter and more regulated.
Specific safety and security requirements
Spanish seniors value their physical, family, health, and personal property criminal offence safety.
The issue of security is very important for this group and should therefore be considered in particular. The actions to consider when promoting an exclusive product for them are:
Ø  Offering a high standard of quality throughout the value chain, from accommodation to transfers, catering services, activities, guides or interpreters.
Ø  The search for a safe, qualitative environment with close health care.
Ø  In the hotels they look for the maximum security in all the dependencies, to avoid thefts.
Ø  In road safety, they are looking for places with indications of respect for traffic signs, as this gives them a greater sense of security.
Ø  Identification of the person selling them the trip, as this gives them security.
Ø  Loyalty through exclusive attention to their needs.
Ø  The possession of a good travel insurance.
Specific requirements on transport
Ø  The transport has to be adapted to the profile of the tourist to whom the trip is offered.
Ø  The most common means of transport of the Spanish senior are: own vehicle, coach / train or plane.
Ø  They appreciate the proximity at the exit, to avoid unnecessary loss of time.
Demand for very comfortable and accessible transportation on any type of trip.

Land transport
Coach & train
·         Acces for disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility.
·         On the coach: WC included and safety belts in the seats
·         Single –deck train vehicles or convoys, due to the problems of access to an upper floor for people with limited mobility.
·         Confortable accommodation.
·         Doctor on board.
·         Possibility of visiting different destination in a few days.
·         Offers in low season.
·         Possibility of contracting flight and hotel together.
·         Excellent offers on domestic and European flights in low season.
·         Specific attention for disabled passengers before, during and after the flight.
Specific requirements for accommodation and hospitality services
The Spanish senior prefers 4 * and 5 * hotels on long-distance trips.
Look for comfort, well-being and a good internet connection, in a reliable and free way. Also, and increasingly, sustainability (eco-friendly accommodations).
It considers customer service to be paramount, both in the reception and in the welcome to the guest: good information on complementary services of the hotel; gratuity or not of them; location of the restoration areas; information of the environment where it is located; information of tourist areas and activities, and danger of certain areas near the hotel (if applicable). Above all, it values ​​the professionalism and kindness of the employees and the personal environment. He is the one who leaves the most tip to waiters and room service personnel.
It demands spacious rooms, suite type, excellent cleaning, with good acoustic isolation and spectacular views from the room. They usually miss their mattress and their pillow. They prefer clean white sheets and towels. You want to choose the room service menu, the entertainment options and the amenities offered as a courtesy of the hotel. Ask for an impeccable bathroom, clean and accessible to the disabled and people with reduced mobility (with adapted toilets and shower tray, no bathtub)
It is very demanding and critical in aspects such as neatness, comfort and accessibility of the accommodation, the friendliness of the staff and the help services in the transport of suitcases.
It is the noisiest visitor, along with the Italian. And, also, the one who complains the most, together with the French.
Specific requirements on communication infrastructure and access
Ø  Hotels with the best possible communications, easy and comfortable.
Ø  Accessibility in scheduled excursions.
Ø  In the case of mobility, without many transfers, to facilitate visits to places of interest.
Ø  The need to have first level technological services and have a direct communication in real time, with its tourism providers (airline, hotel, travel agency or Tour Company used in destination).
 Special dedication to people who travel alone, for a specific reason.
Specific requirements on clothes
Ø  Due to the climatic characteristics of their country, the Spanish senior is accustomed to travel with a lot of clothes and dresses "in layers", to be discarded with the change of daytime temperature.
Ø  It is necessary to have prior knowledge of the indications and characteristics of the country visited, for religious reasons or customs: head, shoulders or legs exposed.
Ø  Comfortable and comfortable clothes, suitable for the places to visit and its weather during the trip.
Ø  Identical consideration for a long distance flight / non-tight clothing, socks, not socks, thin jacket and foulard.
Ø  In hot areas: clothing with very light and breathable fabrics.
Ø   In cold areas, coats, lightweight parkas, thermal clothing, jacket or fleece.
Ø  Comfortable underwear.
Ø   Clothing and footwear for a more important dinner or event.
Ø   Umbrella // rain jacket or windbreaker jacket.
Ø  Very comfortable and light shoes for the day: boots, slippers or dancers (winter); sneakers or sandals for walking (summer).
Ø  Cap, sunglasses and sunscreen.
The Spanish senior is very sensitive towards sustainable tourism respecting the ecosystem and the qualities of valuation of natural and cultural resources and lifestyles that allow to know and integrate better in them, together with a greater citizen awareness for an adequate coexistence between residents and tourists.
Many Spanish travelers consider that they carry out sustainable tourism by choosing an eco-friendly accommodation, by reducing the environmental impact; have a more local experience; taste food produced locally or organically; Be more responsible with the local community and repeat a good experience in other eco-friendly accommodation.
Within this current, the Spaniards are among the top three, only surpassed by Chinese and Brazilians.
